
The ablative is formed with the suffixes -dan, -dәn, -tan, -tәn, -nan, -nәn.

🔹 -dan, -dәn are joined to the stems ending in a vowel or a voiced consonant:

bülmәdәn – from the room

yuldan – from the road

🔹 -tan, -tәn to the stems ending in a voiceless consonant:

taştan – out of stone, 

tişektәn – from the hole,

🔹 -tan to loanwords ending in b, g, d:

klubtan – from the club

Orenburgtan – from Orenburg

sudtan – from the court

🔹 -nan, -nәn to stems ending in nasals:

tönnәn – from the night

miñnәn – from the mole

bülemnәn – from the department

🔹 If the stem is the possessive third person singular or plural, an n precedes the ablative suffix. This n requires the ablative in its form of -nan, -nәn:

dustınnan – from his/her friend

küzlәrennәn – from his/her eyes

🔷 The ablative functions:

· As the object denoting the person or thing from whom or from which something is received, bought, taken away, asked, etc.:

Yuq, min sinnən bülək qabul itə almıym ... (Əmirxan Yeniki, "Rəşə") 

No, I cannot accept a present from you … 

· As the object of verbs governing this case. Such verbs are rather numerous. They may be verbs of feeling, e.g.:

oyalu – to be ashamed of

qurqu – to be afraid of

şiklənü – to doubt / be suspicious of

tuyu – to be full / fed up

könləşü – to be jealous of

· Or they may be verbs of various meanings, such as: 

saqlanu – to guard oneself against

qotılu – to save oneself, to escape

ayırılu – to part / to differ

faydalanu – to make use of

kölü – to laugh (about)

soraw – to ask


Nərsədən kölələr ikən? – What can they be laughing about?

· As the object denoting the characteristic by which someone or something is recognized:

Monı niçekter anıñ tışqı qıyəfətennən ük sizep bula ide. (Əmirxan Yeniki, "Rəşə") 

Somehow one could feel this from his very appearance.

· As the object denoting the material of which something is made:

Biredə təcribəle ostalar üzləreneñ şəkertləren metaldan, agaçtan, döyə söyəgennən, baqa qabıqlarınnan törle matur əyberlər yasarğa öyrətələr... (Luiza Şəydullina, "Piramidalar ilendə")

Here, experienced masters teach their students to make various beautiful objects out of metal, wood, camel bone, tortoise shells…

· As the object denoting the point toward which the action is directed:

qıznıñ qullarınnan tottı – took the girl by her hands

ulınıñ mañğayınnan übep, qarşısına utırdı – he kissed his son on his forehead and sat down in front of him

· Furthermore, the ablative gives precision to an action in many ways: motion or distance from a point or place, time, age, cause, manner, measure, and degree:

Min keçe yəştən kitap uqırğa yarata idem. (Gölşəhidə, "Minem qala aluwım") 

I have loved reading books since childhood.

· The ablative also singles out a part from a whole:

köndəlektən ber bit - a page from the diary

· The ablative is used to express comparison:

sinnən yaxşıraq beləm - I know better than you

🔷 Dialog

A: Saləm, min baqçamnan qaytıp cittem.

B: Niçek anda?

A: Küp itep alma cıydım. Teləsəñ, minnən beraz ala alasıñ.

B: Rəxmət. Qızım öçen almadan püre yasarğa yaratam.

A: Minnən hərwaqıt alma sorıy alasıñ, bıyıl minem uñış küp.

B: Rəxmət yawsın. Siña min yasağan alma püresennən bersen birermen.

A: Tizrək aşap qarıysım kilə.


A: Hi, I just came back from my garden.

B: Oh, how was it?

A: I picked a lot of apples. If you want, you can take some from me.

B: Thank you. I like making puree out of apples for my daughter.

A: You can always ask me for fresh apples, I have a lot of harvest this year.

B: Thank you so much. I’m going to give you one of the jars of apple puree that I make.

A: I can’t wait to try it.