The imperative includes both singular and plural forms, as well as second and third-person variations. The second-person singular matches the verb stem itself. Other forms require the following suffixes:
🙏🏼 To form the second person plural, -ğız or -gez is added to verb stems ending in a vowel (except for -i, -u). Meanwhile, the third person singular adds -sın or -sen, and the plural adds -sınnar or -sennər.
(sin) başla / eşlə / biye
(sez) başlağız / eşləgez / biyegez
(ul) başlasın / eşləsen / biyesen
(alar) başlasınnar / eşləsennər / biyesennər
🙏🏼 To form the second person plural, -yığız/-yegez or (w)-ığız/-egez is added to verb stems ending in the vowels -i, -u or a consonant:
(sin) yu / ki / cəy
(sez) yuwığız / kiyegez / cəyegez
(ul) yusın / kisen / cəysen
(alar) yusınnar / kisennər / cəysennər
🙏🏼 The second person plural and the third person singular and plural forms of diyü (to say) follow the standard formation rules for verbs with stems ending in -i:
(sez) diyegez
(ul) disen
(alar) disennər
(sin) digen (neg. dimə)
🙏🏼 Requests are usually conveyed through imperative mood verbs, to which particles such as -çı/-çe, -sana/-sənə are added to soften the request (like “would you…”, “please,…”), as well as the word zinhar meaning "please":
birçe – (would you) give
qalsana – (would you) stay
əyt, zinhar – please, tell
🙏🏼 Additionally, particles like əle and inde are used:
açulanmağız inde – please, don’t be mad
biregez əle – give, please
🙏🏼 A more refined request is expressed in the form of:
əytməssezme ikən – would you mind telling
qarap çıqmassızmı ikən – would you mind taking a look
awırsınmasağız, kilegezçe – if it’s not too hard, could you please come
🙏🏼 The highest degree of request is:
ütenəm, yalwaram – I’m begging you