More uses of Infinitive

The infinitive in -rğa, -rgə (-masqa, -məskə) followed by ide expresses a strong wish or desire, a suggestion, advice with a tinge of regret, a duty, obligation, necessity, need, or irony. If indicated, the subject (the agent) is in the dative.

Qıçqırmasqa, tawışlanmasqa ide miña, ə milisiyəgə xəbər itərgə ide. (Afzal Şamov, “Yaqtaşım”) 

I should not have screamed and made a scene, I should have notified the police. (The speaker wishes that he had not acted the way he did and regrets it)

🌷 The infinitive in -rğa, -rgə, followed by bulu (typically in the indicative past tense I) expresses the agent's decision or intention regarding carrying out or refraining from the action denoted by the infinitive.

Ul bik əybət keşe, əni, qarşı kilmə, min añarğa kiyəwgə çığarğa buldım. (Fatix Xösni, “Ğilmenisa”) 

He is a very nice man, Mother, don't oppose it, I have decided to marry him.

The affirmative infinitive in -rğa, -rgə, etc. followed by bulu in the third person singular (bula / bula ide / bulır / bulır ide), expresses the possibility of performing the action denoted by the infinitive. The construction can be impersonal-indefinite, or it can refer to a specific agent. If indicated, the latter is in the dative case.

Kürəm, başqortlar. Dimək, tatarça söyləşergə bula. (Mirsəy Əmir, “Bez bələkəy çaqlarda”) 

I see, they are Bashkorts. That means one can speak Tatar to them.

The negative infinitive in -masqa, -məskə, followed by bulu in the third person singular indicates that the action need not be carried out. If indicated, the subject (the agent) is in the dative.

Xəyer, aña bügen eşkə barmasqa da bula. (Mösəğit Xəbibullin, “Sular örgə aqsa da”) 

Okay, there is no need for her to go to work today.

💡 The infinitive in -rğa, -rgə etc. may be followed by different verbs to convey different meanings:

🌷 Infinitive + qalu (to stay, remain in 3rd person sing) = the subject has no choice but to carry out the action. If indicated, the agent appears in the dative case.

kötərgə genə qala – all that remains for us to do is to wait

🌷 Infinitive + itü (to do, make) = the subject intends or attempts to carry out the action

Yegetlərneñ berse anı quyıp totarğa itte, ləkin Qotbıy anı tuqtattı. (Mösəğit Xəbibullin, “Sular örgə aqsa da”) 

One of the young men wanted to chase after her and catch her, but Qotbıy stopped him.

🌷 Infinitive + toru (to stand, live, dwell) or yörü (to walk) = the subject is about to or intends to carry out the action

yañğır yawarğa tora – it is about to rain

🌷 Infinitive + totınu (to hold to, to set about) = the beginning of an action.

xalıq qul çabarğa totındı – people began clapping their hands

🌷 Infinitive + dip = purpose

Yuq, bügen ul alar yanına bötenləy başqa nərsələr turında söyləşergə dip kilgən ide bit. (Ləbibə İxsanova, “Yul keşese”) 

No, today she had come to them to talk about completely different things.

🌷 Infinitive + ikən(lek) = necessity, duty

nişlərgə ikənen (or ikәnlegen) əytermen – I'll tell you what to do

🌷 Infinitive + bar, yuq, tügel

Expresses possession of, or lack of, things needed or commonly used to carry out the action denoted by the infinitive

östemə kiyərgə yuq – I have nothing to wear