Past Participles
⚡️ The past participle in -ğan, -gən, -qan, -kən.
This past participle is formed by joining the above suffix to the verb stem (i.e., in form, it is identical to the past tense II stem of the verb).
💫 The past participle in -ğan, -gən, -qan, -kən, although commonly called “the past participle”, can refer to the past, the present, the extended present (future), or to the general present (timelessness).
... tramvay ul torğan yorttan arı kitmi. (Mirsəy Əmir, “Qazan uramnarında”)
... the tram does not go beyond the house in which he lives.
Qazanğa qaytıp töşkəç tə, min iñ elek üzem uqığan mədrəsəyi Möxəmmədiyəgə bardım. (Zarif Bəşiri, “Zamandaşlarım belən oçraşular”)
Immediately after returning to Kazan, I went to the Möxəmmədiyə medrese where I myself had studied.
Şul waqıt bezneñ başlağan möqətdəs eşlər məydanğa kiler. (Səğit Sünçələy, “Sənğətçelər”)
At that moment, the sacred work which we have begun will be realized.
💫 The past participle in -ğan, -gən, -qan, -kən can function as an adjective. It can be the attribute or the predicate in a sentence.
Bu – tuzğan kiyem. – These are worn-out clothes.
Minem kiyemem tuzğan. – My clothes are worn out.
Bez yabılğan işek aldında tordıq. – We stood before the closed door.
Bülməneñ işege yabılğan. – The door of the room is closed.
💫 The past participles ending in -ğan, -gən, -qan, -kən can act as verbal nouns and as substantives. While they can be possessed, pluralized, and declined like regular nouns, they serve distinct functions. When used as a verbal noun, the participle signifies the ongoing process of an action, relevant to both past and present. On the other hand, as a substantivized participle, it signifies the subject or object of the action it represents.
a) The participle is a verbal noun.
Məskəwgə uqırğa kergəneñne əyttelər. (Tufan Miñnullin, “Xəsən Wəğizoviç”)
They said that you had gone to Moscow to study.
b) The participle is substantivized.
Teləməgənnər söyləməs. Berkemne köçləw yuq. (Ayaz Ğiləcev, “Bez unike qız idek”)
Those who don't want to will not speak. There is no forcing anybody.
💫 The participle can be declined by cases and can express different things, such as:
· Cause, reason:
Döresen əytkəndə, min əti quşqanğa ğına yördem. (Rəfqət Kərami, “Yörəgemne ut alğan”)
To tell the truth, I only went because father ordered me to.
Ber kön eşləməgənnən bez də ülməbez, ... (Fatix Xösni, “Cəyəwle keşe suqmağı”)
We won't die from not working one day, ...
· Time:
Alar kitkəngə inde küp kenə waqıt uzğan ide. (Fatix Xösni, “Cəyəwle keşe suqmağı”)
Much time had already passed when they were leaving.
Alar urta məktəptə uqığanda uq tanışlar ide. (Qoyaş Timbikova, “Yarlar biyek”)
They had already been acquaintances when they studied in middle school.
· Condition:
Əgər uqıtqanda, öyrətkəndə, çın rəssam çıqmas idemeni?! (Əmirxan Yeniki, “Soñğı kitap”)
If they had taught him, wouldn't he, then, have become a real painter?