Past Tense I (definite)

Also known as bilgele (definite) ütkən zaman. The basic form of the Past tense I is obtained by joining -dı, -de to stems ending in a vowel or a voiced consonant, -tı, -te to stems ending in a voiceless consonant. The other persons are formed by adding the personal endings of the possessive type to the basic form. 

min eşlədem – I worked 

sin eşlədeñ – you worked 

ul eşləde – he/she/it worked 

bez eşlədek – we worked 

sez eşlədegez – you (form./pl.) worked 

alar eşlədelər – they worked 


❗ The Past Tense I expresses actions in which the speaker has participated, which he has personally witnessed, or which he remembers and knows well. The actions are viewed as completed. This includes the actions that the person you’re talking to experienced firsthand, even if you haven’t. 

Monnan beryıl çaması elek bulğan ide ul waqiğa. Köz axırı ide, könnər şaqtıy suwıt, tuğay östenə aq bəs qun, nihayət, menə Dim qultığı, Qomaç öste də küksel boz belən tigez genə qaplan. (Əmirxan Yeniki, “Soñğı kitap”) 

That event happened about one year before this. It was the end of autumn. The days got rather cold. White hoarfrost settled on the meadow, and, finally, the bay of the (river) Dim, and also the surface of the Qomaç, got covered evenly with bluish ice. ... 

Əniləreñ nərsə didelər? (I don’t know yet, but the person I’m asking spoke to their parents, so they know what they said) 

What did your parents say? 


💡 Witnessing the action is the main indicator of the Past Tense I. Another indicator can be: 

- An action took place once in the recent past or it was a swift action

Əni, Marat şaltıratmamı? (Riza İşmorat, “Bistə qızı Gölsinə”) 

Mother, hasn’t Marat called? 

Cide yəşlek ulım, muyınımnan qoçaqla da, sawbullaşıp, çığıp yögerde. (Ğərif Axunov) 

My seven-year-old son hugged me around my neck, said goodbye, and ran out.