Food I

Let’s talk about food. This week we’re going to learn about the rich Tatar cuisine, the tea-drinking culture, and some food and cooking-related vocabulary. Firstly, come to the table! Let’s learn the main verbs:

aşaw – to eat

eçü – to drink

peşerü – to cook

satıp alu – to buy

salu / bülü – to put (food on a plate)

salu – to pour (a drink)

🍲 We buy aşamlıqlar (groceries) to cook:

irtənge aş – breakfast

töşke aş – lunch

kiçke aş – dinner

– soup / meal

🧂 The basics:

toz – salt

borıç – pepper

ikmək, ipi – bread

yomırqa – egg 

qamır – dough

çikləwek – nut

🥛 Dairy:

söt – milk

qaymaq – cream

əçe qaymaq – sour cream

eremçek – cottage cheese 

aq may / sıyır mayı – butter 

sır – cheese

tuñdırma – ice-cream

🥩 Meat:

it – meat

tawıq – chicken

balıq – fish

🍫 Sweets:

şikər – sugar

bal – honey

tort – cake

şokolat – chocolate

🍹 Drinks:

eçemlek – drink

çəy – tea

qəhwə – coffee

su – water

… (cilək-cimeş) suwı – … (fruit) juice

🌶 Different kinds of təm (taste):

ballı, tatlı – sweet

açı / əçe – sour, bitter

tozlı – salty

ütken – spicy

😋 The food can be:

təmle – tasty

təmsez – not tasty

maylı – fat, oily

susıl – juicy

qorı – dry

🏠 Moreover, in Tatar culture receiving guests and being a guest are essential. The most important vocabulary for these occasions would be:

xuca – host

xucabikə – hostess

qunaq – guest

qunaqqa baru – to visit sb.

qunaq itü – to host sb.

oçraşu – meeting

cıyılış – gathering

rəxim it(-egez)! / xuş kil(-deñ/-degez)! – welcome (you/you all)!

utır(-ığız) – sit down

küçtənəç – present, gift (some food/drink that is brought by a guest to a host, or when the guest is leaving, the host can give him some food, e.g. leftovers, for him/her to have it at home)