Home I

🏠 We have already learnt modal words that are used to indicate the presence or absence of persons, things, etc. As a reminder, these words, bar and yuq, take no personal endings.

waqıt bar əle – there is still time

başqa yul yuq – there is no other way

🏡 You can click on this link to brush up on your possessive pronouns and the names of the rooms. Now, let's add more to the home-related vocabulary.

öy – home

yort, öy – house

bina – building

fatir – apartment

qat – floor (first, second, etc.)

lift – elevator, lift

işegaldı – courtyard

uram – street

kürşe – neighbor

yəşəw – to live

Min iske yortnıñ öçençe qatında yəşim. Bezneñ lift yuq. – I live on the third floor of an old house. We don’t have an elevator.

diwar – wall

közge – mirror

rəsem – picture, painting

qaraw – to look

Diwarda ike rəsem həm zur közge bar. – There are two paintings and a big mirror on the wall.

idən – floor (parket, etc.)

işek – door

tərəzə – window

açu – to open

yabu – to close

açqıç – key

bikləw – to close, to lock with a key

Yoqlarğa yatqançı yoqı bülməsendə tərəzələrne açarğa yaratam. – I like opening the windows in the bedroom before going to sleep.

basqıç – staircase

östəl – table

divan – sofa

kənəfi – armchair

urındıq – chair

utıru – to sit

yataq – bed

yatu – to lie

Tür yaqta divan həm ike kənəfi bar. – There is a sofa and two armchairs in the living room. 

ut – light

ut qabızu – to turn on the light

ut sünderü – to turn on the light