Sound imitating words

Onomatopoeic words are words which imitate or represent sounds produced by people, animals, objects, or by nature.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Today, we’re going to learn 10 of these words. First group consists of words imitating sounds made by humans:

çış-pış / pış-pış – whispering

lep-lep / döp-döp / dört-dört – throbbing of the heart

tıpır-tıpır – tramping of feet (usually while dancing)

🐶 Words imitating sounds produced by animals are: 

waw-waw / haw-haw – barking of a dog

çüt-çüt / çut-çut – singing of a bird (usually of a nightingale)

🚜 Words imitating sounds produced by objects are: 

tır-tır – sound of an engine (tractor, car, etc.)

kelt-kelt – sound of a ticking clock

dañ-dañ / dañğır-doñğır – ringing of church bells

şatır-şotır –  crackling (e.g. fire)

🌊 Words imitating sounds produced by nature are: 

döber-döber / döber-şatır – sound of thunder

çelter-çelter / çıltır-çıltır – murmur of a brook or stream

✨ Some words don’t represent sounds but are closely related to onomatopoeic words:

cem-cem – the twinkling, sparkling of stars, the glistening of snow, etc.

yalt-yolt – the flash of lightning

yalt – a swift action

çelt-çelt – quick, repeated blinking or twinkling of the eye

qırt – sudden, quick cessation of an action (speech, music, etc.)

If you want to learn more words like these, here is Bulat’s video.